They Wonder Why

I made a promise to myself that no matter how our relationship ended, I would be happy for Landon and whomever he was with, as long as both of them were happy. I was a fence sitter on the issue until Friday night when I saw them (Humpherys & Francis) together and how happy they were. In my religion you are taught to do good to everyone, especially those who have done/ are doing wrong to you. I'm trying to emulate that by being nice to EVERYONE! I've discovered through several months of doing this that you can turn your enemies into your closest friends. I just want people to be happy. Francis... At first, i thought that Landon would break your heart after three months, but after three months, you two were still together. So I asked Landon how much he loved you, and he was estatic about his love for you. I began to think, "Maybe, just maybe, this is the girl for him." Then I started reading your entries and I became even more convinced that this was a good thing. Then after Friday night, I knew; both of you were made to make each other happy. Even if I can't be friends with Landon (which I hope will change?) I'm gald that I can be friends with Francis. I pray that their relationship work out. As long as Britney Francis and Landon Humpherys are happy being together, I will be happy for them. And anyone who feels diffrently can just come and find me and I'll be more them happy to set them straght on the issue. Good Luck to all couples who feel the way Francis does. Caio and now you know the rest of the story
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You're amazing Erin!!!! Thank you so much! That means the world to me!!! I hope you're happy, or become happy! I really do! ~Francis~
ha ha! try again!
I'm actually getting happier as I go through life right now. Sure it's been stressful and it's going to get more stressful but I have some awesome friends :) to help me on the way. And I'm glad you think I'm amazing... but I think your more so!