Time, Fate and Kharma

Time is always watching us keeps tabs on every move It's unstoppable, irreversible. And should we ever try to stop it, of course we never can. It's always here, always there. Fleeting and slowly moving forward. Although forward moving it may be we may try to stop ourselves- try to be left behind- Time drags us along, willing or no. Some think its a mystery, how it works, but it's not. Time just continues on plodding through the days, months, years. It doesn't wait for anyone. We struggle along, hesitating here a moment dallying there a moment, only hoping to get more Time. We move towards the future, hoping Time will allow us to find true happiness or pure love. Time isn't what allows us that. It's us, we have to make the effort. But we, mere mortals, are afraid of what Time could bring. We think that Time will ruin what we hold dear to our hearts-- Relationship, friendships or family bonds. We believe that Time brings with it Fate to knock upon our doors. Any broken heart, we think Time can mend. "Time will tell". It's not true. The thing that can ruin us, or that can mend us is ourselves. Don't look to lay the blame at the doorstep of Time or Fate. Fate is seen simply as what people what think is meant to be. It's not. Fate is a result of Kharma. Kharma, which drags us down or pushes us up is a result and reflection of who we are and what we have done to get where we are in life. We can't say that we've done nothing wrong, made no wrong turns or mistakes when problems, heartache or hardships come our way; We cannot cry for broken dreams which we ourselves have lost to it. The time for change was before our Fate came, and now, as a result we've earned it--our Kharma. And these three elements in one beautiful thing are combined-- Time, Fate and Kharma-- to become the thing we are blessed with called Life.
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