What a day

So... I dragged my sorry, saggy butt out of bed to go w/ amy to practice this morning only to discover that she didn't need to be there and that we could have slept in... "AHH" for miscommunications! The assembly today was wicked! (francis did a fantasic job with her song) But the talents weren't the only things that were fantasic... I sat next to a boy that I think is kinda cute? He's a drummer in the marching band, so naturally we have tonnes to talk about, but he's blond and blond haired guys (as weird as this sounds) totally don't appeal to me. But anyway, we ended up holding hands *huge, happy smile* and after the assembly he walked me to class. We passed some of his friends in the hall and they all hooted and holered and asked, "Since when?" He just smiled. So yeah... I'm totally happy 'cause another guy is finally showing interest in me. Hooray! On the down side however... A) I banged up my knee... again! I can't march until Saturday at the soonest and with our frist show less then a week away. This is soooo not good! B) I'm pretty sure that me and Landon are back to pretending that the other is dead. Now the real question is weather or not this is a good thing. If it is... then I don't have to worry about him ever saying my name again. If it's not... then I'm making a mistake by not saying anything to him, or mailing him. I would like to be his friend, but not if he's going to be a jerk... I mean, I asked him why he was choosing now to make nice with me, when he could have in December when he got back. And he got all defencive with "it's the way i am, deal with it." That was the argument that he used the day we broke up, and if he's a gonna act like that then maybe it's better if we do ignore each other... Ode to drama... (to the tune of jingle bells) "OHHHHHH... i hate drama, i hate drama, i hate high school drama. Why can't all the problems wait until i'm dead and gone. HEY!" ~ ciao
Read 2 comments
We should do something on Saturday (27th). I don't have work until 6:00! --Me--
Congrates on the new guy, it's about time you found a new guy to stew over besides David.