A Dream

I walked along a path which was both beautiful and horribly ugly. And found myself wishing it would end and place me at my destination. No sooner had these words I'd thought passed again through my mind than I found a fork in the path beautious and horrid-- I did not know which road to take. I walked a little down each pathway to see which was the better route. But did not find the one I wanted for no end could I see; I must choose one and continue onward. The road to the left was pretty as a picture idea for a sunny noon-day walk. Perhaps this was the one I should choose to labor on. The pathway to the right however was lovely as well perfect for a pair of lovers to have an evening stroll. But I was yet alone. I stared down each course growing worried each moment of making the wrong choice and not being able to turn to come back and choose again. Then started down the road to the right, which twisted into a dark dangerous-seeming forest. Did I make the correct turn? The road disappeared turned into a small but clear beaten trail It lead me through the forest into a meadow golden. I bent to smell a flower to tilt its pink head up. I breathed in its sweet perfume and suddenly I awoke, at home in bed. I had not walked those paths at all.
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if only if only the woodpecker sighed...