ummm... okay?

So, I just got called a lip whore by my friend. I know that I ain't done a lot great stuff, but "lip whore?" Is that what everybody thinks of me? 'Cause if it is... I got to go on a date with a really cute kid named Dan. We went bowling... It was a duoble with Pooky and Kyle. I was going to go with Joe, but he couldn't come for one reason or another. How do I tell a guy that I don't want to go out with him b/c he's a little to vulgar for me? Yeah, I'm talking about Joe. The resons I want to end it: 1) he lives an hour & half away; 2) he is totally too handsy; 3) he likes to make-out as opposed to just talking or doing something more productive; 4) I like being single so that i can date lots of guys and get to know what's out there. The resons i should stay with him: 1)... um... this ain't good... uh.... Okay, back to my orignal question, "how do i brake up with him?" He's a nice friend I guess... He's just got a one track male mind; sex, boobs, and butts! Ug... I just wish that guys were more mature... But maybe that's God's safegaurd to make sure that nobody does anything stupid during high school... if only it worked. So, I thought that me and the Dweeb were getting along... okay. I just got told to shove off. What is wrong with him!? If anyone has the anwser I would like to hear it. Never mind, ya know what? Good riddence! Maybe with him finally leaving me alone, I can not care what the crap happens to him... if only i belived that. ciao
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I really wish you had confided in me earlier hon, then I could have helped you. Talk to me! -Myth