Well, this past year in 2006 has been... full of change. I lost a few of my close friends either through death, or change. I've gained some of the best friends I could ever have and I thank God everyday for them. I have strangthened some of my friendships to the point those people are family. I've changed too. I could never explain how much I have changed or in what ways I have. My music intrests have changed. I've become more tolerable, but at the same time I lose my paticence more. I won't keep you too much longer... I would just like to say to everyone who knows me personally, or has seen my face, that everyone of you is special to me. You all have effected me in one way or more and I thank you for the experiences that you have given me. Thank you, all. Have a great year and good luck in all your endevors; in every pursuit your heart wishes to undertake. Ciao
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I love you. --Me
I love your background! Have a good 2007!