Teenage Boys Bug Me

On Tuesday night I was feeling sick and emotionally distressed, so at practice I wailed on kip and then confided in Marcus that I was worried about Christian & me. Marcus said that he would talk to Christian then get back to me. Wednesday night after a long day of puking I got a long awaited phone call from Marcus. He told me that Christian said that he had a girlfriend, and not to tell me about her. Marcus told me because his loyalty to me was worth more then his friendship with Christian. I said thanks, hung up and started crying. About ten minutes after Marcus called, Heather called me and said that she had been talking to Marcus; she was sorry I was so sick and she wished me well. Then she said that she had a guy "nagging her like a woman" and that someone wanted to talk to me. She put Christian on the line. On Tuesday after practice I called Christian and asked him to see if he was busy on Saturday (the day of a dance). When he got on the phone he said that he wasn't busy, so I explained about the dance. He said that he would talk to his mother about it. After Marcus got out of school, he called me as he walked him. He said how sorry he was for the heartbreak and how sick I still was. He asked what I was going to do about Christian; I explained my plan. He will come to the dance with me on Saturday, along with a ton of other Mountain Crest peeps. I will tortured him the entire dance but not let him kiss me. On the ride him I will lay on the torture even thicker. When we reach his house I will tell him that several of my MC pals have told me that he has another girl. I'll listen to his reaction then I'll tell him that I have been jerked around by too many guys to not know when I had a problem. I will then politely explain to him that if he is still interested in me being his girlfriend that he needs to let the other girl go; if he doesn't want to be my boy anymore then I will tell him that we are just friends now. Who reading this objects to my plan? Ciao P.S.- I also think that my ex is the most thick skulled person I have ever had the displeasure of associating my self with and I really wish that he would get new material!
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Yeah. I like your plan. Also agree with the PS although...maybe not wise to put that on here. --me--
i don't care what she thinks :(