I don't know what to say...

So… I’m not sure what to say. I’m not sure what to think. I am sure that I’m confused. I’ve got more then enough on my plate with everything at home; school will not be getting any easier; my unstable ankle is being fickle as to weather or not it’s going to get better… And I’m scared. I’m scared that my ankle won’t get better and then I won’t be able march next year, or dance on the team… I’ll have to be careful how I walk or run... I’m scared that I’m losing, or have already lost, a very dear friend. I’m scared that I might have said something or done something that was twisted and contorted a turned into something else entirely and then told to him… I DISPISE gossip, rumors, and any derivations there of. I’m doing my best not to gossip or encourage it any way. I check my sources before making accusations and even then I don’t do it publicly! I apologize for that outburst… Don’t, for even one half of a millisecond!, believe that I’m pointing fingers with this entry. I am merely using this as a conduit for my frustration, pain, hurt & anger. If anyone is offended by this, then keep your option to yourselves because this entry in no way hurts anyone. If you believe that it does, then you know where to find me; but I won’t be indulging you with a response. I shall return to my hole of darkness now… Ciao
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