High school Drama

Why do you think that its my fault? Don't blame your stupid problems on me. You think that I'm a witch, well, honey that's okay. Its only one opinion, there's more to this world than only you; yours isn't the only thing that matters to me. So what if he doesn't like you? To you it doesn't matter if I don't like him; the fact that he likes me is enough reason for you to hate me. But its only high school, only our teenage years; stop acting like boys are the only important thing. Stop treating me like the cause to all of your problems; You get those with the boys all on your own and don't blame me for your inability to keep a guy you like interested--Because its not my fault if they don't stay; its yours. Trust me, you loose those guys all on your own. Don't pretend that its not me that's making you angry. Stop saying that you're not the one who's saying all these things. You know you've lost now give it up-- Stop acting like you this little perfect diva; News flash honey--You're not, no one is.
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B-E-A-U-T-FUL! I like it. Love you