WhiteNerdy Family

I'm a huge band-nerd, right? Well, get this; I have converted not only my little bro (who has fallen passionately in love with the snare; he wants to be center by his sophomore yr) but I have now converted my little sister Grace!! She came into my room while I was practicing the baritone and she asked to play. So I held it for her while she blew into; I taught her how to buzz too :-) Yesterday, she walked around telling people that she wanted to play the baritone in the marching band. When she told Ali... Ali said that she had a nerdy family. I love converting people to the band. SPLOOIE! WOOT-WOOT! Ciao
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hehe, YAY! Ali is lame because she doesn't understand the grandness of BAND! Hehe, splooie! --Me--