
HA! I finally found at least ONE of my good poems that got erased from here. Thank goodness...there are still at least a dozen that just disappeared and it makes me very angry....anyways here's the one I found. Standing alone. Why did you leave? Where did you go? I am alone. Empty. Emotionless. Eyes are blank. Feeling nothing. Seeing everything. Alone. Broken. Why couldn't you see? How could you do this to me? Abandoned. Crushed. Used and thrown aside. Forever alone. Boxed up and put away. Memories fade. Empty shell. Gone. YOU ARE GONE. Why am I alone again? Always alone. Jinxed. Banned to a dark empty world. Forever. Didn't you care? Didn't you want me? Of course not. Beautiful and smart not your style. Never good enough. Always left behind. Never leaving anyone. I am alone again. Forgotten. Always. Passed up for something else. Prettier. Thinner. Sorry, I don't like skeletons. I refuse to be model thin. I am ME. Beautiful. Strong. Confident. Almost. But somehow never enough. Not as ME. Never me. Lied to. Cheating. Faithful to me? Can't be. Honest with me? Don't dare to be. Try to make it work? Too hard. I AM NEVER GOOD ENOUGH. And for what? Someone thin? Beautiful? WHAT DOES IT ALL MATTER? Everyone gets ugly eventually. Get over it. Just let me be me. Don't stop talking. Just because I'm not perfect. I am. Just the way I am. Can't change me. Don't try. Why? I AM ME. Why am I alone? Bitter? Yes. Just a little. Can't trust. Don't believe. It hurts. Don't wanna hurt again. Easier not to fall. There's no shatter at the end. Just want the fairytale. But it has to be real. Nothing fake. I don't do fake.
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