Gray Goodbye

In time you may look back and wish I was near your side. That time, near or far from now, when comes, I'll be not nigh. But shall entwined in life living so happily without you, whispering a gray goodbye. Against the wind, pushing away, breaking away, losing sway, Your memories no longer hold me back. I've no question of moving on, leaving all thoughts of you behind. My life continues, with or without you, whispering a gray goodbye. Morning sunbrust peaks over the mountain; Its been some time past since you abandoned me for her, breaking the bond of trust. My life goes on without your love and one day you will miss me. Me, whispering my gray goodbye. When you miss me, pray remember nothing will let me come back to you, save it be a change in your heart, A change within your very soul. And miss me you shall, but know this-- I'll miss you not at all in a short time, I'll forget you, forget the love I had for you. Whispering to your memory a gray goodbye.
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