Just friends?

I called Christian this afternoon and talked to him about the rumor. The one where he's dating someone else. After twenty minutes of tough talk, we came to an agreement: we are just going to be friends, or at least we're going to try. We also agreed that we like each other a massive amount. When I asked him about this girlfriend, he said that people saw him with his best friend (female) and presumed that they were dating, and it got back to me. I asked him what we should do and he said that I most likely don't trust him, or don't believe his side of the story, or I do but I'll always be suspicious, which I am naturally. I said that in any other relationship I would end it and just be friends but we both agreed that we like each other way, way, way! too much for that, however we are going to try. We ended it because we both are so busy that we never see each other, or have time for a decent phone call! We are both worried about the other getting involved with someone else or a rumor getting started and the other hearing about and then we would get in a fight and not even be friends anymore. I really like him, not just in a romantic way but he's funny and cool and nice and sweet. Hopefully, we will be able to *just* be friends. Well, tonight I'm going to have my mom call Kevin's mom so that if he answers the phone, he'll think it's just one friend calling another and then once his mom is on the phone, I'm going to ask her if Kevin has anything besides the Marathon, and when he's going to be getting home on Saturday. I'm going to ask him to that dance for sure; tomarrow, or on Wednesday. Ciao ~~five minutes later~~ I got asked by Josh Nielson to Spring Fling!! I'm so excited!!! It's wierd, but I'm excited. I've never been asked to a dance. I'm happy :)
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Mozeltoph! (I don't know if I spelled that right...but you know what I mean.) hehe, laters! --Me--
just friends. it's an disease that seems to be contagious. good luck with everything!