And so it continues

I trust Nathan not to hurt me physicly but I think I'm going to die when he brakes my heart. One way or another, it will happen. He'll end up braking me and I won't be able to take it. I'm very much in love with him. If it werent for the fact that we are LDS then I would let him have me. Why am I so screwd up like this? I want him to go on a mission but I know that if we are still togeather when he leaves the chances of us getting togeather when he get's back are slim. But I know that if he dosen't go then his mother and my mother and my friends and Ali will blame me and I don't like people blaming me for stuff. I love him and I never want to hurt him in any way. *sign* Love is very tricky. In other news, I have hurt me ankle again and am in an orthopedic boot. I can't march until about mid-September, maybe even the end of september. My senior year starts on... TOMARROW?!?!? I'm scared and excited. I don't know if I'm ready for this. I know I'm ready for college and moving out, but I don't know if I'm ready for scholarship applications and college applications and being done with Marching Band... This year is bound to be interseting.
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Lol, sounds great. Wait, so how old is he? Like, 18-ish? lol, laters. --Me--
Also I think you should introduce me to said roommate because if we "hit it off" (so to speak) me an him could double with you and Nate, lol --Me--
Good luck! LOL!