
-X- Comment Please -X- Why ever do you walk away if love me true you claim? Why does you hand draw away from mine when I reach out to hold it close? Why then if you claim to love me do you act so indifferently? I would never walk away from you my love I claim for you. My hand reaches out to draw you close while you are yet pulling away. I tell you I love you and act as such and yet is seems to be not enough. Why won't you hold me close to you and comfort all my fears? Why won't you come and visit the woman you call beautiful? Why do you claim to love me and yet portray such coldness? I want to be ever close to you to feel your solid strength. I want to see you often instead of just happenstance. I want you to be my lover all smiling warmth inside. -X- Comment please -X-
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i like it :)

you are really good, not gonna lie