The Sweetheart's Dance

Oh me oh my! I had FUN! My date was a boy from Bountiful, his name was Joe. I know him through my friend, her older sister married his older brother. Joe look so good yesterday! To start out the day, I woke up at like, 6:45, so that I could go to a drum show in Salt Lake. I rode the bus down and we did our thing. The judges really like us. Our show is called Apparitions; we are dressed all in white and the tarp & back drops are black. It was fun. When we were done with the show, me, Matt, and Ami piled in my dad's van and we high tailed it back home. We got home at 6. I through my self in the shower and back out again in like, 15 minutes. I blow dried my hair, threw it into a half pony-tail and then straightened the bottom. I did my make-up in like, 10 minutes. Then I had oatmeal for dinner. I told Kimmy that I would meet her at her house by eight to go to the dance, so it was 7:30 and I headed in her direction. I got to Kimmy's house and she & everyone else were still at dinner, so I sat down in my pretty-pink dress and watched the first few minutes of Vertical Limit with Joe's brother and Kim's brother. Then I heard Kimmy running up the drive-way screaming "Erin's here. Erin's here." Kim and Chelsey came in and handed their food to Kim's mom, said hi to me and then went to go get ready. Joe came in and... whoa! He was wearing a black button up shirt, over a white one; he was wearing jeans, and he just looked sooo good! He came over to me and hugged me tight, 'cause we haven’t seen each other for like four months. Then he went to go get dressed. I went to go help Kim and Chelsey. About 30 minutes later, we were still at the house, and me and Delanei were sitting with Joe on the couch, getting really board because Kim and Chelsey were taking forever! Finally, the girls came out, and they were looked GREAT! We got our jackets and went out to my car. Joe held the door for me and he was just being a sweeie. We dropped Chelsey off at her dates house then went to go pick up Kimmy's date. We got to the dance and took the carriages to the ballroom. Joe had his arm around me and was holding my hand to "keep me warm." We went it and the line for pictures was really long we just went into the Ballroom to dance. Kimmy pulled me off from the group and asked me if I was going to let Joe get to first base tonight. I told her that if he pitched the ball, then I'd take a swing. A slow song came on and we danced. Joe is a really good dancer :) He liked to dance really close and so did I, so it was the perfect compromise. A little while later, Kim came up to us and said that the line for pic's was really small so we went to go get our pic. I only had enough money for a singles picture, but Joe insisted that we buy a copy of our group shot too. For our singles, I had a hold of his tie and he had his hand on my waist. For our group, all the guys were purposing to the girls and every girl had a different reaction. Mine was acceptation. When we went back to the Ballroom, Kim told Joe what I had said about him making it to first base. Right then a slow song came on and he pulled me in close and kissed me... he's good. So I told him so. When he finally let me go from the kiss, I told him that his kiss was a good pitch. He laughed, said thank you and kissed me again. So every time we danced, he'd kiss me... *sigh* When the dance was over, we went to my house and listened to music and drank hot chocolate. On the way to my house, Coltin insisted on driving. So me and Joe sat in the back and he held my hand and kissed my neck. When we were a block away from my house, Coltin said that if me and Joe wanted to make-out then we'd better hurry because we were almost to my house. So I leaned over and kissed Joe, he kissed back and Coltin reaching around the back of the seat and hit me; he said that he was just joking. When we got to my house, Joe and me danced to some of the songs on the radio while Coltin and Kimmy finished their hot chocolate. Then we piled into my Pontiac and took Joe out to Providence, where he was staying with his brother. I walked him to his door and he kissed me really good. We kissed for like, 5 minutes before we decided to go. He told me to call him and he'd give me his email address. Oh... I really like him! I had a blast! I wish that I could see Joe more... But I will call him tonight and get his email... :) ciao
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You'd better have lots of pictures.