Is that all i am?

So me and Christian have kissed right? Well we have, and he said some really super sweet things in between kisses but I haven't gotten a call or an email from him for almost a week. i saw him last night but not for long and he left with out saying good bye. I have had guys kiss me and then say they say that they don't like me anymore. You know the kind, the kind that just want you so that they have something besides their hand to makeout with? Is that all i am, just a pair of lips? I really like Christian and I don't want things to go south like they did with landon, or brady, or joe. All three of those, i never want to go through again!! but what if christian is just like them... My best friend Steph is staying with her cousins over spring break and one of her cousins is Christian's best friend Aaron, so I'm having her do recon work for me... maybe i'll be able to figure out what exactly i'm dealing with in Mr Christian Nielson. ciao
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Oh honey, I know the feeling. *hug* I love you, and I hope you get things worked out. *hugs* You don't deserve to go through that again.
My heck! I'm sorry babe. That sucks. I hope things turn out better with Christian then they did with the other guys. Good luck!