Who's my angel?

It's been said that you are one of three people in life; a hurter, a hurted, or a soother of the hurt for the hurted. You will have experienced all three by the time you die, but you will be predominantly one over the other two. When my friend "Andrea" told me that she and her friend w/ benefits had gone the extra mile, she was happy at first. But as the guilt sunk in she eventually told the counselors at school who told her to tell her parents. They were real mean about it, calling her a sleazy slut and an easy girl. The day before she told her parents, our seminary teacher was telling us that the angels God sends us aren't always people dressed in white whose feet don't touch the ground; that they can be our best friends, or even people we don't know. As "Andrea" dealt with everything that she had too, she told me that I was her angel; that God sent me to her to help her through this. My friend "Kelly" got a real bad stomach ache at a party and she has to lay down in a room by herself. I stayed with her and she told me stories about her injuries that she had accumulated; I helped her forget her pain. After awhile she said, "You know how much I love you right?" A lot was my response. "Right. [Then with a half-drunk, half-drugged look on her face] You will make a wonderful mother. There is something very special about you." At a sock-hop after a football game, one of my closest friends, who I've known since the first grade, "Tamera", had a break down in the bathroom. It had been a very tough week and one of our friends was treating suicide and "Tamera" was worried about her; she was crying hysterically. I went it and talked to her. I was stuffy in the bathroom so I took her outside and up a flight of stairs on the outside of the building. The moon was half-full and bright. I told "Tamera" about the various people that I knew and could see in the parking lot below. My drum captain who had gone a new lap-top and was happy 'cause now he could watch drum movies in school; our first & second bass players who were madly in love but had decided not to steady date 'cause they were told not too by their religious leader. She turned to me after she had calmed down and asked, "How do you do that?" "Do what?" "Tell me about people I don't even know and get me to calm down. You do it like it's nothing but it's everything." I seem to be their angel. But who’s mine? I've been... I've had some horrible stuff happen to me. I get beat on by my cousins because I'm a girl; my life is tough and I'd rather not deal with it all. Homework is hard because I learn different from everyone else; I couldn't read until the fourth grade, for Peter's sake! My friends lean on me so much for help; boys are so stupid. I want to have a guy love me but I know that's not going to happen in high school. I want the friendship of someone who... Every time we talk to each other we either end up fighting or making out and neither is good. I'm to busy being someone else's angel that I don't have one of my own. Someone who I can talk to about, well, everything. I mean everything. Landon, Mark, Joe, homework, parents, drumline, school, sucky teachers, siblings, friendship problems, heartache, physical pain... EVERYTHING! As much as I love my friends, i feel like there isn't one who I can tell absolutely everything too. I want to but I feel like if I say something wrong that they will get mad... Who’s my angel? ~Ciao *names have been changed to protect the innocent, the not so innocent and the dead guilty
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Teach me to be your angel. --Me