The rest of our lives

Honesty, honestly Love you. Forever. Scared to death of the feeling- yet welcoming you wholeheartedly. Wishing to spend an eternity in your arms. Loving you. Want to hold you always. The constant good in my life. Can't believe I feel this way. Seems too soon-- too much, too fast. But right at the same time. How? Perfectly matched-- you and I have become we. No fear of telling you the truth. You don't run. Honesty doesn't scare you. Thank you. For loving me and making me realize that love, always love, is there. Forever. Right within reach, but where you least expect to find it. Forever you are mine. Can't wait for the rest of our lives together. Waiting, testing my patience, but knowing someday you and I will become us. And forever won't seem long enough. Just want to hold you. Now and always. Trusting you, completely I love you. Always and forever, no matter what.
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