A Dream (Part one), Dream Continueum (Part two)

A Dream I was standing in the dark, rain pounding down on my upturned face, trying to drown my tears, fighting the desire to scream out loud. I was standing on a beach, looking out across the turquoise water, resisting the urge to run to its depths. I was standing at the abyss, waiting for Death to take me. I was standing alone. Dream Continueum I was standing alone. I was standing at the abyss-- But you saved me from Death. I was standing on a beach-- looking over the turquoise water, No longer urged to run, but to stay in your kind embrace. I was standing in the dark-- rain pounding on my upturned face, Trying to stay in your arms forever, Giving in to the desire to laugh out loud. I was standing with you, no longer alone.
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