How interesting

So... I get a call from one of my friends last night, he asked me to go to his house and watch a movie. So I said okay. He come to get me and me and my ma had just been in a fight so I grabbed one of my shoes ('cause I'm still in the orthopedic boot) and ushered him out the door. I glance at his car and in the back seat was Francis and Landon?! I was a little worried; would everything go okay? would I get in some big fight with Landon? or Francis?! I got in to car and Francis said hi to me, in a real nice voice. I was shocked! She was going to be nice to me?! Landon said nothing. We went to go get pizza and the boys went inside leaving me and Francis alone in the car. She asked why my day was so bad and I told her. Then we talked about her shirt. It was pink and said "If you love him let him go; if he doesn't come back he's with me."; and that was what happened to me! When I had read it at lunch, I laughed so hard that I choked on my pasta (hooray for international pasta day!). The boys came back and we when to my friends house. Landon picked the movie, The Others, and I was the only one who had seen it all the way through (Francis had seen the end). My friend was pestering me to eat but I didn't want to, I was too sad. He asked what was wrong, I told him then broke down crying. He put his arm around me, but I exused myself and went outside to cry; I don't like it when people see me cry, it makes me feel stupid. My friend came outside after a few minutes and gave me a hug, then we when back into the house and his ma gave me a hug and told me some encourageing words; she is SOOO nice! We finshed watching the movie and I had to get home so my friend took me out to his car, but not before I said good-bye to Francis and Landon. Francis was the only one who was said good-bye back! I got home, apologized to my mom and dad (who I'd frought with earlier) then told them about the movie night. It was kinda wierd in my mind that out of the happy couple, the one who I thought hated me the most, was the one who was the nicest to me (thank you Francis, I really appreciated it :) ]. Landon didn't really say anything mean but he wasn't nice. Is that interesting or what? Oh well... See ya'll later :P Caio
Read 3 comments
Yeah, I was wicked worried that it would be awkward, but it was actually fun. Well...for me. I'm sorry about how you were having a bad day. I hope you're feeling better. And sorry about Landon. I thought I would be the one to be distant and angry, but it was the other way around. Anyway, thanx for also being nice. Have a good one. ~Francis~
Thanx for the comment Erin! At least someone understands. You have a good day too! ~Britney~
who do you think i am?