
Today is my best friends 17th b-day, but right now, I'm not sure that he is even interested in accosiating with me... I love him, like I really 'LOVE' him and he's totally all over this blond chick. The blond chick is a friend of mine, we used to be so close that we told each other everything, but last weekend, we were torn apart by a rumor and now she's stolen my guy. I haven't told G now I feel, but I told the Blond... she didn't care. I'm dating a guy that is really cute, but he's totally vulgar, and he likes my butt... He likes to grab it that is! I've told him that my butt is privet property and that violators will be shot (servivers will be shot again)... He likes to make-out alot too... I'm trying to make-out alot b/c, it's not a good thing to make out alot... Me and a friend of mine are at odds again. But with him... Oh boy! He just loves to pick fights with me. I wish he wouldn't though. he'll drag up crap from forever ago when we were dating and he'll use it agenist me. It's quite annoying! I just don't know what to make of him... One day he'll be hugging me in the parking lot, telling me that everything will be fine and that all I need to do is cry. Then next day he wouldn't give me the time of day if I asked it... But then again, the differance between those two days is that nobody could see us in the parking lot *weak chuckle*. I wish that I could read that child's mind and know what the crap was bugging him... i tell him everything (well almost) and he never complains about a thing to me. Oh well... Just watch next week, we'll be talking civilly again... I hope? ciao
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