The Tragedy of Third Bass

I tried out for third bass... Jordan got it, and Brad is the alternate. I hate the pit so much! I won't go back! You can't make me! I wont do it! NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS!!! Last year sucked so hard! The horn line made fun of me, and told me that I was a slacker; my section leader had no idea what the crap she was doing; everyone had a bad attitude about it; even our own comrades in the line made fun of us! I hated the pit! I'm told that the music is going to kick butt, but honestly, where is the fun in cool music if you aren't having any fun. I could always try-out for gaurd... but 44 girls in one section? That's bound to be problematic... I HATE THIS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ciao
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Guard is WAY WAY WAY more problematic than pit, I can garuntee it. DON'T do guard. --Me--