So, I ran into an old friend of mine

Today at mutual I talked to an old friend of mine (one who I'd known as an embyo [yes, that long]) that I have seen a whole ton but hadn't really talked to for a while. We just talked about the swim team and Bill (the coach) and diffrent people we knew and then this girl from a ward that shares the building came into the room we were in; she was looking for someone. Jorden just stared! So we ended up talking about her a whole lot; what her name was, how old she was, what sports (if any) she did, what grade she was in, how hott she was, etc. We then went into the gym with the rest of the ward, and Sharon came too (the girl that Jorden liked to stare at) and we talked about random stuff and he gave me some gum then we had bubble blowing contests. His first was HUGE!! So I tried but every time I got close, he'd pop it... jerk. Then a ball (some of the kids were shooting hoops) almost hit Jorden in a *cough* bad spot? He then used me as a sheild the rest of the night. I miss just talking to Jorden, and some of my other friends. Jorden gives the best hugs! *side note- that was a real random comment* I just don't have time anymore for anything social. Sometimes it's nice 'cause then if someone askes you out and you don't want to go then you automaticly have an accuse. But if you do want to go out then it's a bummer. So far I'm learning to love the single life. I get to look at the guys trying out for bass spots and think "WHOO MAMA! He's got a nice butt on him" without feeling guilty, but at the same time, I miss having someone who I can depend on for a good date every Saturday. I hear (or read) some of my friends talking about their boys (or girls) and I get kinda jealous but not enough to go looking for some action. I like being single. OH!! Landon will be back in school on Monday. This, in my world, means glares from across the hall *imagan lightning flying back and forth between us*, and mean words exchanged in loud voices *cartoons with big bubbles and big words in the big bubbles*, and lots of contention. Ug... it was so nice, so peaceful without him. I mean, if the two of us could get along, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad but there is a higher likelihood of quiting my job at Alpine then that happening. *persective- my job is currently the only income at my house, although my mom is going back to work after christmas* Why can't I just get along with him? Well, it's kinda late and I'm wiped so, adios mi agmigos :) Ciao
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