The Monday After

Today wasn't the best day... I got chewed on by a prosecueter and a cop. This is going to be a long and bloody battle. I'm not excited. I got my baritone, finger chart, and scales today. I understand the bass cleft, and finger chart, and i can buzz... ok?... but honestly my tone sucks hard. So, Me... ya wanna help a sista out? After school I went to the Rock Hous to meet up with Chris from The Prom. I'm 100% embaressed to admit this but I couldnt' remember what he looked like and I missed him. So i went home and called his house and his sis said that he was at lacross practice; I asked her what clothes he was waring and she said a white t-shirt, jeans, and a blue hat. Well I had seen a with those clothes on wondering around the Rock Hous and so I felt really bad. Well, I hung up with his sis and then the phone rang like 20 seconds after I put it down; it was Chris! I went back to the Rock Hous and got him, took him home where he showed me up at the baritone -- he plays the trombone, so it ain't that hard for him -- then met my parents, and then we went to the mall. We walked around for a while before we settled at WaldenBooks. He asked me what I would say if he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said that I would most likely say yes. After a few minutes of scilence, he asked, "So, will you be my girlfriend?" I said yes and he kiss me hand (real slow-like) and said good. I have decided that I pretty much really like this guy! He told Tony E that he was going on a date with me and Tony tried to start a fight with him; he said that Tony was jealous, and I believe it. Christian Nielson is a gentleman who does drama, band, & lacross; he enjoys sci-fi books & music; he's hott but not in the tipical way, too! I mean, he's got a good body, and an okay face, but the thing that makes him attractive is the fact that he's a gentleman! Funney Side Note- We were doing some serious fliting and he was, in a round about way, asking me if it was okay if he kissed me. He had a chapstick that had a massive amount of pepperment oil in it and pepperment oil makes me brake out in this awful rash, and he was asking me if he sould put some on. I said that it depened on how he wanted his night to turn out and he gave me 2 options: A) he could put some on, or B) he couldn't. I took a dramtic amount of time to decide and he, in a mock-impatceit kind of way, asked, "Do you have your mind *made-out*?" I started laughing and he turned bright red and stood up and walked a ways away, and just stood there chuckling for a few minutes. He came back and I just laughed at him, and he "tackled" me and tickled me and made me laugh harder. A Dileriously Happy, Ciao
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Already told you what I thought hon. Good for you. Hope it lasts and goes well. -Myth