I feel: disappointed

So, I got on the winter line, but not the spot I wanted. I wanted bass 2 or 3 but i got neither, I got cymbles instead. I glad that I'm on, but... I feel kinda let down. I wanted to prove to my parents (who think that this drumming thing and me don't work out) that I could do it, and I wanted to prove to my ex that I could carry a bass (he thinks that I can't) and most of all I wanted to prove to myself that I AM good at something. Farther proof that anything about the number 8 is bad for me. *note today is the 8th) But I have two seasons left to try at bass. I'll just have to work VERY hard and pray that I'll be able to do it. Well, I'm going to eat comfort food now. See ya- Ciao
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See? I told you you'd rock hard and make it! Even if you didn't make the position you wanted, I knew you'd make it! *hug* Love ya! --Me
I'd like to go to the next girls choice, but I don't think I will--I'll be trying to pay back Dani and my mom (she paid for his boutiner (or however that's spelled). Sure I had fun...I felt kinda left out becaues the MC band people didn't really talk to me. Tony introduced me to a girl name Kaylee who is awesome though. I'll tell you about that later.
What I meant by that was, He's kissed you like that, and I've kissed Landon Hardy like that. It's just that we've never kissed each other like that. Anyways, that's all I meant. Nothing bad promise ;) Have a good one.