it's been a long weekend

Friday- This was parents night at MC... I did okay, except for my spacing... that SUCKED! Me and Ami stayed after the Colorgaurd performed (they did awesome!) and helped clean up the stuff. Then we went back to the band room to get our stuff, and I couldn't find my keys!!! So everyone came in and helped us look for them. We searched for an hour; we were to the point of taking things out of the drum closet and piling it in the center of the room. Kevin (a real hott tenor) climbed up on top of the tuba cases and was searching through all the stuff up there; he didn't find them. But when he climbed off, the tuba case shifted, & I saw a shiny something fall further down the wall. So i moved all the cases and there were my keys. Therefore, I blame tubas for my problems and credit Kevin for solving them. Saturday- Drumline try-outs... Long story short, they set everything but third bass, because neither I nor Zach was good enough for the spot. So I will spend the next 80 hours (there is 120 hrs between me and Friday morning, 9am, 80 is my waking hrs.) working on my drumming, and my feet and putting them together. Pray for me, please? I really want this spot... like a lot! I love you Myth & Me! You guys have been/ are awesome! ~Ciao
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You=going to kick trash, I know it. If you need someone to come and work w/ya, help w/timing or something, or anything really, just lemme know. --Me