The Game

Name- The Dance Game Purpose- To get you to go outside of your comfort zone and meet knew people Rules- 1- Get a bunch (or a few) friends together and go to a dance club, dance hall, stake dance, school stomp, ect. 2- Everyone has until the dance is over, or a predetermined time, to dance with as many people of the opposite gender as you can. 3- You can not promise _____ to get them to dance with you. Words to fill the space: sex, a make-out, money, drugs, permission to fondle you, anything else that is immoral or illegal, or just plain sick and wrong! 4- The person with the most dances wins. 5- (*Optional*) The losers pay tribute to the winner in anyway the winner wants. This is a great game for those who are out going, not out going, confident, scared, egoistical, have a non-existent ego... anybody who is willing to go out and have fun! I've tried this at a stake dance in Nibley (this was the game I was playing when I met Christian :) and I had a blast! But I played with some people who didn't know how to have fun and just party poopers... Well that's not fair, KJ did start to play the game when I said that I was done playing to that I could dance with Christian all night. Anyway... The end of the story is that this game is great and I suggest it to anybody! And for those of you with nothing to do on Friday the 13 of April, come to Mountain Crest and watch the MC Drumline play their last show. We want as many people as possible to show up and cheer us on. It is in the Blue Gym (a ton of people will be going towards it so follow the crowd) around 5pm. If the time changes, I'll let you know. FYI- I'm the only chick cymbal so finding me won't be that hard after I take off my mask (yep, we wear masks... cool uh?) Ciao
Read 2 comments
Get a recording of the show, I want to see it and I'm sad that I don't get to go to your last show. --Me--
When did you establish this 'dance game'? And how exactly did it start?