They are Wrong

I cannot be what you want me to be Only myself can I be. I cannot change to fit your standards nor those of anyone but me. I cannot change to make you happy In being me I will make someone happy. It doesn't have to be you It doesn't have to be him. Being me will make me happy if no one else. I cannot be anyone but myself Although the world would suggest otherwise Media tries to convince me that I am no beautiful on my own. But the lies they tell are simply those--lies. They do not benefit anyone but themselves I will not listen. I won't change me because of your lies. I cannot be anything but original I am me. I don't change myself to please others. I am me. No one can be me I can't be someone else Can't pretend that I'm something else. Don't want to act like a barbie doll. I am me. Original, perhaps; different most definatly. I am a work of art. Those who see me differently than I see myself and think they know how I should be how I should behave, look and act people who believe I need to change to please someone I love are wrong. I am an original Secure in who I am; myself. Don't try to change what you don't know or what you think you understand. Don't try to fix me or say that I'm not good enough I'm not broken and I am good enough if not for you, then for someone better.
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