Friday was like a stake dance

Weird title, yes, but normally all the drama happens at stake dances, not at drive-in's. I took Chris to the drive in, but he didn’t even talk to me; he talked to all my friends instead! Isn’t that horrible etiquette?!? He pulled one of my best friends aside and talked to him about me and how I moved our relationship too fast. I would like to take a moment to point out that he asked me to be his girlfriend; that he was the one to start the making-out! To continue, on our way home, we talked… Kinda? I was embarrassed, because I blamed myself for making him feel uncomfortable; because I should have stopped the making out, but I didn’t. He took that as me saying that I was embarrassed to be around him, not true. I told him that I was going to be cutting off all association with him after I dropped him off, because that’s just what I did after I embarrassed myself beyond the point of no return. Then I told him that Adree had said that the reason he was being so weird with because of the entire “making out makes me [Chris] uncomfortable” and he said that was true. Then when we got to his house we sat in his car and I told him about how I had proved Kimmy’s statement about me and how I was a slut. He went on this huge schpeel about how I was not a slut and how I need to stop listening to my friends when they told me that. Little does he know that I now know about how he is spreading *crap* about me to all of those same friends who call me a slut! I’ve decided to send him an email explaining how we are no longer friends, and why. It will go a little something like this: Dear Chris, Last night you said that you just wanted to be friends, to try to get off on the right foot, well, I’m not going to give you the chance. Nobody, let me repeat, nobody comes to a movie at my school and then tells my friends how I moved the relationship too fast. Not when you were the one start it all; the kissing, the dating, everything! Once upon a time, you said that you didn’t want to break my heart. Well guess what, you sir have now crushed what little was left. Take pride in knowing that you where the boy to crush me; to make me want to never date or trust any guys ever again. Congratulations. It is because of what I was able to beat out of some of my friends that I have decided to go back to my original plan. See you around the valley, I guess… ~Erin Too harsh? If you think so, too bad!! I’m sick and tired of being just another make out. I honestly thought that Chris would be different, but instead of coming to talk to me, he just talked to my friends about how I move too fast… A weird thing just happened. I’m listening to my sisters iPod and an instrumental song came on, it’s called “I will forgive;” it’s from a Church History sound track. Maybe I’ll wait to send that email. Why do I have to ruin a good relationship? Why do are teenage guys such dicks? Why do teenage guys only think with their dicks? I do not like them! Ciao P.S. - I will not be okay until after school gets out and we are well into the marching band season… So please don’t ask?
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I heart you! You're amazing. --Me--