Listening to: usher
Feeling: excited
today i went to horsham to get the last stuff for the Alpine camp. i can't wait to go to this 9 week camp in the snow! i think it will be good to get away from all the shit in this small town. don't get me wrong i love rainbow and stuff, but just as stuff always starts to get good for me, some little thing happens to muck it all up.
i love the cold. everyone that i no hates it. they say that in winter and when it is cold everyone is unhappy because of the weather, and they say that everyone is more happy in winter. well that is crap. i hate summer coz when it gets hot there is shit all that u can do to get cool. And ppl always get in to fights when it is summer coz they get upset more easy and stuff. well that is how i see it anyways.
i think i love the beach so much because the water is cold down there and i just love waves. i can see my self when i am older living near the beach and surfing, bodyboarding and running on the beach every nite. i just love the sound of waves and the way they break and then just come back again......i see it as never giving up. the waves know that they are never going to get anywhere, but they just keep trying to get further and further, but they never get it. BUT THEY KEEP TRYING! i have said to some prople "i try to base my self on a wave. strong, fast, powerful, never gives up, some times breaks but then pulls its self together again and it is always there no matter what the weather."...after i tell them that, they laugh and think i am joking.
i think i am typing soooo much because i am going away soon. i will try to get on this and talk to all u guys......
'till next time,
(keep it safe neat)
U r so gorgeous and don't worry about what other ppl think bcos ur cool!
I'll miss u heaps.
Luv Neat
Everything is so beautiful during winter. ^^
bah...9 weeks. that a long time. i'll be bored!!!