Listening to: water running
Feeling: glad
just having a look over all my old enries...god damn i used to over react about some stuff...i was young! lol...i used the word "love alot in those entries. i don't think i even knew what love was back then, and i am not sure if i know what it is now! and reading over what i used to say- alot of things happened alot different to what i wrote! kids..
well i got the swimming sports on monday. i don't know how i will go, but all i know is that WEST will kick the ass off all those merrit fuck life...they are in for a ass kicking!!
hahah you are SOOOO CUTE I LOVE IT! i really really hope caitlin and you end up going out, or something cute like that =) AW I LOVE IT! hehe x333 and thanks for the whole advice thing. but im really glad your not over leaving me comments :) i looove your comments, i wouldnt ever want you to stop leaving me comments. hmm, and about this whole guy thing..i think im starting t lke this guy named ryan who sits right behind me in
Hehe thanks for the comment.
Thats not even my best artwork, i'll see if I can put some on.
Well what you do for photos is upload them into your image manager and for the background you label it 'my_background.gif/jpg. For random pics use the html code - (take out spaces).
Ah I don't know if you know how to make words bold and italic...bold- word here and italic- word here