
Listening to: mixed crap
Feeling: inquisitive
today was alright. nothing much really went down... i found out about 2 hours ago that the world of Hip Hop is going strong. there is a "vibes" award thing every year and this year some Mo' Fo' jumped my man Dr Dre. piece of shit...no one jumps my man Dre. anyways snoop dogg got up and said that anyine crew that wants trouble, well thats cool cuz him and his crew want it as well. i was pissed for a little bit, but then i got thinking that half the songs in the hip hop world are about violence. so i see it is just some more songs are going to come from this....i am listening to mixed crap right now...."ya'll cats would be dead if u weren't on my mother fucking team"...hip hop is a beautiful thing, if u take the time out to listen to it.... peace out home doggs....
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wow,lol...i dont listen to much hip hop ...i like alternative rock better.hehee.and yes of course we're cool.hehe, i was joking when i called u a smartass but since u had to call me that horrible name that i dare not repeat i'll just get back at U with a better word...umm..when i think of it i'll email it to ya,lol.byes for now.
I like the word "kinky"..it's just sooo..kinky,lol.
hey bud !! well yeah thats me all right hah i wish no it's not me but i do surf i got that one from a billabong poster they gave me so yeah yup yup
RYN to Trina: I have been writing you, you just havent been writing back dude whats new?
SO'S YOUR FACE!!!!!!hehehe,thats my comeback.haha..beat that one baby!
Hip hop is a great type of music, one of the best to dance to I would have to say!

jet fighter know as the hydra in the game or the a700 or something which is a boing777 or the learget which is all cool the game its self is everything u want it to be i really think its near perfection along the lines of a free roaming city there always some things u can improve on but thas about it im about to get metal gear solid 3 today aka snake eater. alright later dude nice meeting u
Got to love gta (san andreas aka gta 4) i already beat it twice im working on beating the whole gam right now. for somereason the violence doesnt phase me but the lauguage does they have some pretty strong laungauge. the game engine or game play has greatly improved. u can do alot more flying but u dont get to learn how till like half way through but there are always ways to get around it ull just wont have access to the cool planes like the ...
what is your name
do you have aim ?
Lol, thanks for the great comebacks. I'll use them on kyle today.YAY!lol.well cya later.
you never hurd of esther lol not even in the bible ?? wow!