Listening to: DMX- look through my eyes
Feeling: busy
thanx for letting me steal this kathy...should be fun to do it?
1. Your major accomplishments: would have to be when i got in to alpine, first game of under 16 crciket, first unreal game of Sr. badminton...thats about it
2. Your talents and abilities: people keep telling me that i am a good listener and that i am easy to talk to. and a talent i have would be being laid back
3. The three things you do best: dream, love and talk
4. Your challenges: life...but hey...i think i am life's challenge!
5. Obstacles you have to overcome: i don't know...i guess there are a little too many to list, but i have ova cum a few in my time
6. The three things you do least well: stay out of trouble, understand girls and smoke...?
7. Three things for which you want to be remembered: being there for people, being funny and the good things i have done
8. People who’ve greatly influenced you: i don't really know...i guess my big brother..a few other random smale for one, i know i would be different if not for his teachings
9. How you would like others to describe you: i don't's how they see me
10. If you only had three years to live, what would you concentrate on: i would fucking go nuts. like not bad. i would try and do everything that i had wanted to do in my life...
11. If you only had one year to live, what would you concentrate on: same as the last question...
12. Are you doing those things now? If not, why?: well i am...but in the long run
13. Three things you want to accomplish before the end of your life: have a fmaily, get a good job and provide for that family and sky dive.
thanx for that thing kathy. it was alright, but i have done better.
anyways...badminton is 2morrow night and i can't wait. i am sooo pumped up. damn! i have to work 2morrow and then straight after i am going to play my ass off. i better go and get some homework done.
i will talk to you in 2 nights elisha. on ur wednesday night ok?? 11pm be there...or don'
peace to you all
so how is it goin with you???
Nice answers to those questions lol!!
i just got back from the dentist and i have perfect teeth well that's what they said anyways you don't really care so later