4th day of the holidays...

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: bored
it's the 4th day of the holidays and i am BORED. i need to start doing some god damn homework too. we got a crap load at school. all the teachers got reall excited for us to leave, so they gave us homework to do. i don't want to be doing homework in the holidays. i will do it tomorrow. my high light of the holidays soooo far would have to be talking to a new mate on MSN. it is one of you SitD fans out there. she is the best person to talk crap to. she has many..umm..strange stories and evreything and she likes litening to my crap house ones. it's sad when my biggest thing for the holidays is to talk to someone i have never met before, but somehow i don't really care. i have to help dad pack the trailer 2morrow and put up the tents to check if they are fine....and then do my homework. thats about really all i can report for now... keep cool
Read 27 comments
I sorry you so bored is there somin i can do baby
yeah.. being 154 is great i've never felt younger/better :) where are u from?
P.S meeting people on msn is the best. strangers rock!
add me too

(if you want)

Hey babe.

Speaking of msn, you havent been on to talk to me in what, 2 days...thats not good enough =P

Just kidding. =)

sounds like a fun break so far!! My teachers gave us a crap load too-- but i finished most of it on the plane to sobe! laterrrr
hey man. talkin to people youve never met before can be a life changing expeirence.
yeah school does take its toll on the body physically and emtionaly but hopefully we all get through it mabe with a few scars. later
hey iam adding you too my friends
Nah man i'm not gay. I just have a lot of friends from band camp (no red headed flute player though) who are gay. My "father" from the camp or the oldest boy is gay and he is the coolest person ever. My deaf friend Catlyn is a lesbian and it is just stupid how we get so far with equal rights and people in kanasas are violent about it. (if your in kanasas i meant topeaka).

P.S. 61 goals for my soccer team in 30 games 2 head and 1 bike
im sorry your so bored! go surfing :]
It's awesome how talking to strangers is so great. They can't see you to judge you so you know there judgement is based soley on your personality. It's been a while but you're my aussie mate so I gotsto drop in every now and then.
-Chrissy (from HorrorReview)
forget about homework and enjoy.i'm meant to be revising for like THE most important exams...but yeah...lets not go get me depressed talkin bout that! it's cool "meetin" new peeps you don't know!
it's sunny here for a change so i'm off to meet some gals and get to the gym :D later! have a good dayx p.s glad you and whatshisname mortiki? made up,that woulda been ashame had you not ;p
I've always admired falcons. their brave, loyal, fast and agile. I try to use this when im playing soccer. They're also take any opprotunity that comes so i try to pound any loose ball i see into the back of the net
awwwwww ! YOU SHOULD HAVE A KANGAROO FOR A PET! that would be like, the ultimate COOOOOLEST thing ever =) and no, i haven't seen a mouse get trapped in one of those traps..that would be really scary..ewww you saw it happen!? i can't wait to talk to you tonight..hopefully we can♥ i miss you already..
xoxoxo loove youu♥
hahah no, actually i was wickedddd boored too i just felt like saying that lol
hey boi,well you're missin out if ya've never felt that way! i guess it's too odd to describe. read my entry and you'll see part A of the problems.part B is my bf hasn't given any signs of him for 3 days and he's meant to have been back from his hols now,and i don't get it.i like txted him;no reply.and i can't call him to ask wtf.i have problems eh? *grin* well ttyl my agony uncle (oh yeah and don't ask:i've been derranged all day today!) x
hey! ugh,i'm having a major SUCK_ASS day! i just feel "blah" and "ugh"...but hey,i hope things your end are cool? have a good day.tty soon.say hi to mortiki.
MUCHO FUN :) like always ♥ well, i think it's fun. i don't know about you..haha. =) i'm really mad right now..and bummed out majoorllyy.. i wish you were here to make things a gazillion times better =) buuuuut, i will jsut have to wait until tonight, yay ! well, i'll talk to you then loove.
xoxoxoxoxo timesssssss a gazillion :)

-your one and only queen-
since you are the most AMAZING guy ever. i will leave you an "unreal" comment for you♥ so lovely king of mine, how are you? that sucks that you have a lot of homework..over spring break i didn't get any :) but i have A LOT right now because i have so much extra credit work to turn in, because grades are being turned in NEXT WEEK. which means that i have to raise my grades--ASAP. i can't wait to talk to you today :) it's going to be
P.S. I love the emblem of the phoenix. That used to be my nickname in my old state.
Thanks for the back up. No i don't believe in a god or a diety. Religion is there to give people hope but i doesn't do anything for me. And if you think about, gay people are a lot cooler than straight, they're nice and less bigoted.
hahah soundss funnn ;)