Listening to: 2pac- i get around
yeah well there isn't very much happening in my life at the moment. i mean, there is heaps of stuff happening but there is nothing that is really worth writing about.
we got a letter at school the other day about all the "alpine school" studentsfinishing their project. me, joe, biance, molly and knobby have kinda done stuff all on the garden, we are part lazy, but the other part is thei old bad yelling at us and stuff. she don't own the fucking garden, but she likes to stand around and yell orders.
anyways, they have asked that we go back there on the 22nd of may and get the garden finished. i don't mind a bit of hard work, i am looking forward to it really. but if that old lady shows up, joy, i think her name is, i will go home becasue the last think i want is for me to be bust my gut and her yelling at me with her littel drink in her hand.
im glad u accept me bein bi. im addin u, k?
if i dont respond im in bed... not with anyone in particular >_<
im new here so im gonna comment on randoms people diary and read there last entry and 2 ask them if they wanna be my friend?
o yeah happy friday the 13th
on my diary is says 23 but im 18 - i like to try to be older some times - ha. it usually works until they ask for an i.d.
yeah - im going to have to quit the vodka - i keep spacing out too much.
how is your weekend going mate?
aww we're touched hahah - i just realized that i need o rea
pleasure meeting you - and i seen the coolest surfing magazine today - it was called surfers journal - it was awesome.
id love to learn someday is it hard?
thank you.