Safeway (day 6)

Feeling: fantastic
well at the moment i am feeling fucking fantastic!! god damn i feel unreal. after a hard days work at safeway i normally feel like shit, but today was the bestest unrealest fun that i have had at work yet. they put me on the cash registers today. i thought it was going to be the most crap job eva and for the first 2 mins i was thinking about all the things i could do to get out of it. i was thinking about getting one of my mates to ring up and say my mum was dead or something....but then i got in to the swing of shit and it all clicked. i had soooo much fun talking to all the different kinds of ppl that came in. i had- little kids that took over 5mins to give me money, firefighters, a spanish granny that no one could understand, a gay poofta that had a rainbow on his shirt, cops and a english granny that took a "liking" to me as she but for real, it was one of the best times that i had. i would vote that at the top 5 for unreal things that have happened in horsham. i don't go there offten, but this would be up there....ok 3!!!! i am sooo pumped right at the moment. good times.
Read 6 comments
redhead. the other is my 8th grade little sis. LAY OFF HER. hahah
i'm 16
i'm from anaheim hills, california. that's in orange county
australia has great white sharks in the ocean.
please dont ever call my little sis hot again. it freaks me out.

Well, I may be able to help you out. I am a twin, and pretty good at sports and it seems you have no problem talking to the ladies, so add me to your friends and we'll see what we can do! Carrie...muahh!
yea, I saw that somewhere and I was like, that is just fuckin awesome. anyways, umm yea... I'm not gay or anything (not that I hate gay ppl :P) I just saw rainbow brite somewhere, someday and I was like that would be awesome to have. :D plus it was different and no one else has anything QUITE like it, so I thought... what the hell? :)
lol, you are so goofy. you need to write me back!