You need some change toll booth lady?

I've had two bad experiences at the toll booth that have temporarily infuriated me as I make my journey back home across the bridge. Both involve unfriendly middle-age women & both involve change. Shall we jump into the shallow end of the story? My first encounter with unfriendly middle-age woman #1 (hereforth referred to as UMAW1) was about a year or so ago coming home late at night after going to the movies with Tyler. Coming up to the toll booth I realized I had no $1's, only a $10, $20, and some odd change. The toll for the bridge is $2.50, so to make my life easier and feel as though I've gained a dollar in the experience I greeted the toll booth lady and gave her a $10 and .50 cents. Looking quizzically at the amount her demeanor changes and she promptly tells me, "Oh (this is the attitude kind of oh, not the understanding kind) we don't do that here." Confused as to what she doesnt do I simply stare back up at her as she tosses the .50 cents into my car, and then makes change for $7.50. Now not only have I lost .50 cents to the floor mats of my vehicle, but I've also gained another . 50 cents to jingle around in my purse. So what exactly don't you dp UMAW1? Is the answer make logical change. Or perhaps its something simpler like count.... Whatever it is you have failed miserably at math and I hope one day someone brings you $2.50 in nickles, forcing you to...add. UMAW2 wasnt quite as bad. I was coming home frmo the dentist when I realized I had spent my last bills on gas. I found $1 in the glove compartment but had to make the other $1.50 in change. Being carefully to try and only use quarters and dimes to make it easier I make almost the whole amount entirely in with those, using only two nickles to meet my goal. I smile as I approach the woman and hand her the cash, about to compliment her on her crab broach when she shot me a look of disgust that made my stomach churn. Almost infuriating immediately she throws the two quarters into the change counter and grunts with an annoyed tone as I open my mouth again. The "good to go" light comes on and as I tell her to have a nice day, she tells me to get an actual job that pays and stop using pointless money. What? Since when has changed become pointless. 100 pennies still technically make a $1, and should you, TOLL BOOTH LADY, really be giving me career advice? I'm a college kid home on summer break and I have a better job than you. The nerve :) Haha these things really dont bother me as much as they humor me when it comes to retelling them. In more exciting news however I caught a frog today and have decided to keep him. Well more so a toad, and I actually saved him. But thats another story...
Read 2 comments
HAHA...those were two wonderfully unsettling tales of true-life encounters with tollbooth trash! You really should drive the long way around just to avoid interacting with such trolls. [nerses]
[Anonymous (]
That's why we don't have toll booth people in Canada, as far as we're concerned it's worse than working at a fast-food joint (which isn't half bad 80% of the time anyway.)
I'd like to hear more of this toad you speak so highly of.
[Anonymous (]