Well, way to be.
Buy me a lottery ticket?
Why are you the luckiest girl in the world?

Superman rocks.
So does the show Everbody loves Raymond.

Heh. Haven't watched it in awhile tho... =(

Been too busy............ not having a life and trying to find one. =/

im happy for you, although i have no clue why you are happy...im still happy FOR you
Hmm...but I wanna be lucky too...lol. Good for you. -Becky
So you think you're the luckiest girl in the world eh? I'm not totally sure about that though I'm going to take your word for it. I use to think that I was the luckiest girl in the universe, then I realized that what I thought was real wasn't :o( I guess I'll email ya,/ talk to you later. I wonder why you're so happy though *ponders*
