Vo da dub de da. Vo da dub de da.

Listening to: Techno such and such
Feeling: kooky
I realized today I need to get in shape. I really really need to. Sara and I are going to start bike riding and such, and I'm going to start doing pilates again. Plus, I read this NASTY article about what the fatty foods do to you overall, and after that I'm definietely starting to eat healthier. Shivers. Today I was pretty uneventful. I went over Sara's and her family is so cool. They all talk loud and holler and yell but its awesome. Her sister is cute as a button too. Sara dyed her hair and the rest of the time we talked about everyday things. We're getting fit together, not dieting. Dieting automatically reduces a teen to the lowest standatds because people dont think teens should "diet". I realize in eating healthy you loser weight, which is my overall goal I dont think I'm dieting. I'm rambling now, actually. I need a cupcake:OP Until tomorrow then, Your Neighborhood Superman
Read 13 comments
Thank you ever so much for telling me Kayla! I can hardly believe it! You were right, he's alive!
omg! alex is back???
omg, thank you.
[okay, done dancing around my living room now!!!]

aww, thanks.
funny you mentioned getting in shape. ive been thinking the exact same thing, and today after school i ran 2 miles on the track.
now for giving up sodas. :-/
Hey Kayla, you were just like Paul Revere, doing his midnite ride to warn all of us! Thanks again for being so ON THE BALL. When you calm down and have time, I want to hear the whole story, like how long he was in the active users list and how many people you contacted with the good news. I'm just excited to hear everything.
is it presidents day? i had no idea...
i have no idea how i ran the two miles. i smoke constantly. it was amazing that i did it, but i think it was because i was so tired of being lazy.
i like your top left picture. its inspiring and stuff.
well good luck with your exercising.
oh, and have you ever seen "supersize me"? talk about scary stuff.
OMG, that is SUCH an exciting story Kayla! I can just imagine how you felt when you saw [onedeath] on the active users list. I woulda shit my pants! I woulda had a fuckin stroke. For being as much of a shock as that must have been to you, you really did act with speed and good sense. You did all the right things. Oh man! How I wish I could have seen his name there too. It's almost like getting to catch a glimpse of the Virgin Mary or a Spaceship!
haha. that movies pretty good. it will freak you the fuck out.

im not much of a motivator. im VERY surprised i got off my ass at all. if your friends are along with you, though, that should help a lot. i find it easier with someone pushing me.
You know whats happenin all over sitD land, at least in the countries you contacted? Everyones always lookin over at the Active Users list now to see if [onedeath] is there! HAHAHAHA! That rascal! Hes got the whole place in an uproar just by sayin two words, "I am." I still can hardly believe it. Hes become almost like an urban legend. Was he ever REALLY here? Whered all those entries in his diary come from? Did HE REALLY type them? So long ago.
Isn't there a way to make a siren go off whenever Alex enters sitD?
Ive been so excited this evenin I forgot to read yer entry. But I did now & thats so depressin. Exercise & healthy eatin. OY VEY! That makes ME want a cupcake too, or 10! I love TastyKakes. Any kind, but the Butterscotch Krimpets I guess are my favorite or maybe its their chocolate cupcakes. I wanna eat a tub of fat & a bucket of salt. Sugar is nice too. I also want an ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE! Im like dyin here for a drink Kayla. GIMME A CIGARETTE!
Hey Kayla check out my new entry on my sit, (i didnt want to post it on eskills cuz i thought it would be too much for such an early writer)
Superman cool choice.
Why be unhappy with u r weight?If someone truly luvs u they will accept u no matter what u weigh.Plus u r personality seems similar 2 mine.DSHORTWAVE