Tired of waiting....

Feeling: frazzled
I almost re-entered the land of Pissedom today, but decided against it. Its snowing outside, and I spent a pretty godo afternoon with my brother, why waste a perfectly good afternoon on something I mgiht be drifting away from. Sorry if that sounds odd, only I realy could understand it. That is unless you want to hear my life story, which is rather boring and seemingly pointless. Anyway....went sledding today, that was a BLAST. How I missed the snow. Snow more please, I never tire of you. Since this entry seems rather pointless, I'm going to tell you all about a part of my house that I fear. Actually more like a section. My house is a nice sized house, well actaually its two houses put together by a breezeway. I'd get into that whole story, but my intention was not to bore you completely. Anyway, we live in the main house, thats farily large with a living room, dining room, two bedrooms (which is the reason I sleep on the couch), two bathrooms, kitchen, and front porch. All of these rooms are smaller then average rooms though. The breezeway is normally where we stay during the summer, as its only one long room with a T.V. and phone being the only luxury. The backhouse (which is ironically at the front of my house, lol for further explanation we live on the water so everything is screwed up) is mainly for storage, and company occasionally stays there from spring till autumn. I fear the backhouse. Even though it consists of MANY windows, its always dark back their. Everything about it is old (the house was built around, eh, fifty some years ago) including the light, which takes approximately one minutes to turn on when cold outside. Yes I have timed it, no I do not consider myelf a loser. I avoid going back there at all cost, especially since I've seen the Ring. I know its stupid I let movies get to me, but I cant help it. But one day as I was standing at the end of my driveway in the bitter-sweet whether, longingly waiting for my bus, when by chance, I just happened to steal a glance at the uppermost window of our backhouse to find a pair of eyes peering down upon me. I missed the bus that day. I must say I have never been more scared in my life. This happened a couple years ago, and although no one believes me, my whole family avoids the backhouse as often as possible. I dont even go into the breezeway when I'm home alone. Oh the patheticness of it all. Just thought you all needed some pointless ramblings in your lives.... Until tomorrow then, Your Neighborhood Superman
Read 7 comments
Hey, I know I absolutely love my backround...Carrie is a genius when it comes to that stuff...if you wanna ask her bout graphix she's on my friends list...the butterfly one. ;) Anyway...GEORGE!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol, hmmm....OH! The "secret message" says...spank me...no really...I like kinky things...I hope you do too. Heather is evil...lol..funny..but evil. Anyway..thanks for the comment. Always, -BB
alright. i get freaked out bout things too.. and ESPECIALLY after a movie. compeltely understandable. damn movies

anyway... sounds like a rather awesome house.

its still snowing here...

Thx for the comment, and mo offense, but the ring didn't really sacre me, I keep noticing that guys alays laugh during that movie and the girls freak out, maybe it doesn't wear at us enough.
Theres this old neighborhood where i live named webster, tons of old sacry houses there, whenever i babysit for my cusions, i get freaked old by their 100year old house, glad mines newer.
Oh wow... sounds creppy just reading about it. I totally know what you mean though. There are certain spots at some of my cousins house that you couldn't pay me to go into, and I haven't even seen anything like you have.
Actually, upon second though, I think that for a certain price I could easily overcome certain fears. If it's any consolation, I think that your house sounds pretty nice... minus the whole haunted backhouse thing.
hey good to hear. Ya we got way to damn much snow here!
There is a hall in the front of my house that I'm the same way about. Unfortunetly, the only way into my bedroom is through that hall. Hmmm, conincidence? I think not. -BB