
Halloween is the worst. Kids dress up acting like someone there not and get candy for it. Umm, hello? Rewarding kids for trying to change their personal appearence to fit others standards, yeah that sounds good. The mum munster made me go this year, saying it would be fun and it was the last year I would go. For those who know me, you'll know I went as the almighty......myself! Yes I Kalel, went as myself. Alright now I sound gay. Kalel is Supermans kryptonian name, and I have been duked Kalel by My Algebra 1 teacher Pete Carlo. Superman, is my hero, in saying that I AM SUPERMAN. Ok too much gay for one writing. Alright now that thats out of the system. --He watched her walk across the room, fortunate for every day he spent beside her. She was the only love he had, and to lose her would mean everything. She wasnt like other girls who sat around and did circles of red on each others cheeks and talked abour people behind their backs. No. She was beyond that. She was the one who set things straight when things got out of hand, she was the one that spoke the truth and didnt believe in gossip, she was the one who could be trusted. She was the one that was loved. And he never expected her to tell the truth when her own life was on the line. He never expected her to say yes when eveyerhting that mattered to everyone else was no. Everyone else would have said no when they had a gun at their head, and a question of power and trust thrust onto them. But, she was different, she said yes. --Thanks to Jem for the idea
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i think that thing u wrote is cool- i havent a clue what it is or what its from or if u wrote it or why u wrote it or wut it means- but i like it and i think its cool