Tearful bliss: A serpents hiss

Listening to: Howie Day- She Says
Feeling: alright
I just ate a lasagna sandwhich (if there is such a thing). It was my first one. I like lasagna. GUESS that means I'm broadening my horizons. Mom says everytime I try a new food I have to call her and tell her. People always ask me how I can be a picky eater and its not really like I can describe it. Most food, especially meat, does not appeal to me in any form. Doesnt taste good. To be honest I'm surprised I put down this lasagna because it had hamburger-meat chunks in it and I dont particularly care for the cow. I'll eat it in a taco but only because of the ways its seasoned. Did I tell you mom paid me fifty dollars to eat a Hamburger while we were on vacation? She says I'm the only person she knows who can actually make money while they're out. I'm cheap. I hate spending my own money on myself. If we're talking about other people though, I'll spend whatever it takes. I just, I dont like to spend on myself. I dont know why. I used to spend like crazy. I guess that means I'll have a good retirement plan, providing I have a husband equally devote. We'll see, I guess. I'm going to start running again and working out three times a week. I'm excited. I dont know what I'm doing. And I dont feel like explaining what I dont know. Still figuring things out I guess... Until tomorrow then, Your Neighborhood Superman
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I'm the same way. Meat basically grosses me out. It gets my family mad, cause they're all Italian.
I'm gonna add you to my friends. Add me back?
thanks. i always like to hear that.

i myself have always like spaghetti sandwiches – close enough you can tell we’re related. but i’m mainly a carnivore. and i need to get back in the gym. i’ll do it after new years.