If only horses had some type of frizzy pink thing.

Feeling: amused
Last night Michael had a dream that we were both in the Star Wars theme and I was the one chick lady princess whatever, and he was Hahn (Spelling?) BUT we were playing the Halo game and shooting everything? Supposedly, I then turned into the Pink power ranger from the old days (Kimberly) and flew off to Mars for four years. We believe that this dream means we're going to either accomplish something big before I go to DISNEY WORLD for sapring break, or we're going to kill a bunch of people before I go to a menstal institution. I'm hoping for the first. Michael also drew me a shark, a fish, and a beaver in paint during Computer Tech class. He's a very talented paint-er. I love him. Until tomorrow then, Your Neighborhood Superman
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disney world?
J E A L O U S....