Listening to: Oasis- Stop Crying your heart out
Feeling: megalomaniacal
I was a Mean Mr. Mustard today, I was.
Day just didnt start off good, I had to wear someone else's shoes (because I forgot mine of course).
They were very loose-fitting tennis shoes too, and thats a pet peeve of mine.
Then, I forgot my papers.
And to make matters better I did two and a hlaf pages of the wrong assignment.
I tripped hoping up the stairs on one foot.
And a Chinese man yelled at me.
Softball try-outs were also today. Two more days left until the cuts are made, and we have 50 girls trying out for 31 spots.
Oye vey.
Aye Carumba.
Until tomorrow then,
Your Neighborhood Superman
*All of these events actually did happen