Sometimes it tickles.

Feeling: saucy
Today's been a pretty good day.... Yesterday Rebecca came over and we went and met Rudy frmo the first survivor!! You guys probably think I'm the biggest dork out there, but I love Survivor. It was so exciting, he was less then like 10 ft from us everywhere we went:O) We got personal autogrpahs and our pictures taken with Rudy:O) My picture looks really bad, but who cares. Rudy had his arm around me:O) Yay. That evening my cousins came over and we messed arund and went on a walk. They're the cutest kids I've ever seen, I hope they never grow up.... Well I'm off to go watch The Day After Tomorrow Until tomorrow then, Your Nieghborhood Superman-
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i fuckin love survivor~~?~?~ im watchign the finale tonight!! and u best be too