I shed my drama and made plans.
I'm making an adventure outta everyday
quick quote:
Kayla: How come I'm not catching any crabs
Dad: (without hesitation and a bit edgy) I dont know but I'm leaving your ass home next time.
Yesterday Becca Mike and Chel came over. We had fun. I'm happy fate has worked the way it is.
Tyler punched through a glass window. I was 5 feet away and not paying attention. Mike and becca got glass sharded. Tyler got it the worse. I was the doctor. I laughed the entire time. Thats the second time this week I've reacted well in an emergency situation. Both dealing with blood. Ugh. I have to get my blood drawn tomorrow.
Anyway, everyone was fine and we made up some story about a shark and a helicopter to tell anyone who asked.
It was a night of adventure. Especially when we played hide and seek. Today was an adventure too. Here are pictures just for fun.

I get pissed when people sit at the end....

action shot

I love this one for some reason. It screams summer.

He super

ice pops on the sidewalk

this is how I do hide and seek

...and this is how I babysit...