I only have eyes...for you

Listening to: TV
Feeling: perplexed
Wow not much time to type. I jsut had an amazing conversation with Mike, but I wont get to see him much tomorrow:'( Chorus is taking an all day field trip. Boy, thats a bummer.. CRAP...this is day two I havent been able to write a nice entry....I promise a better one tomorrow!!! Until tomorrow then, Your Neighborhod Superman
Read 2 comments

Wow, looks like you're enjoying yourself and such. I'm glad that things are coming together for you... it's about time you were able to feel this way :o) I'll check back in to see what you got to say for today. Take care of yourself.

relax. dont do it. if you want to go through it.
listen to frankie goes to hollywood.
they are indeed very wise.
rock on