Cherry tomatos are far more superior then PLAIN tomatos

I was just in complete turmoil today. My mind was jumping every which way, which later lead to the land of pissdom, which is the point I stand at now. Sit, to be precise. I dont not know how I ventured onto this land of complete pissy behavior, but I am here now and my reign will rule. Bow down upon King Kayla, yes I said king, this is my ruling after all. So I was pissed and I didn't know why today. And I've noticed no one is perfect. I always thought little of that saying, until today when every child, chick, dude, man, woman, man/woman, out there does something wrong. A girl I know, who always seemed the greatest person to be around, has taken the path of gossipping and at the same time learned how to talk a mile a minute. But thats a boring conversation, that I dont feel like typing. Mum came home today, pissed as hell bedcause she didnt fair to well on her "report card" from her work place. Mine you, management hates her(and does a crappy ass job), but thats another story. I was never happier to go babysit in my life. Mum walked in the door, 5 minutes into mums tears and yelling, I decided the Wilders needed me there two hours earlier, and left. Haha the madder I get the happier I feel..go figure. I dont feel pissed anymore, I need something to piss me off to continue writing, so until then my reign has been abolished. I thinks thats the word I was looking for. Until tomorrow then, Your Nieghborhood Superman
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i hate thor
To rob a bank? Yes, that sounds fun, as long as I get to hold the squirt-gun.

That was a short reign. I've been pissy for years, but I never realized that was why people were always bowing at me in the street. I just figured they wanted to show me their hair.

Also, you may want to edit that "management hates (and sucks) her" line. Unless you enjoy it as much as I do, then leave it. Yes, I am still a boob.

i'll try not to piss you off KING!
i bow to thee, o yeah, i BOW!
.syad ruo evah lla ew
.enihsnus elims dna xaler
all hail king kayla!
rock on superman
haha i always write better when im pissed too but then people complain about me complaining soooo...doesnt work. i hope to meet the King again soon!
pissed off is bad, happy is good, remember this it's important life lesson :P