Memories, and tears running down the cheek

Feeling: distraught
Well my aunt and my mum are still fighting. They try hard to find it, but you can smell its presence in the air. Now I know my mum and my aunt dont act differently around my brother and me, because we're not the cause and yada yada yada, but still I feel deprived, I suppose. I know that aounds beyond greedy, but its something I really want, and althoguh I cant have it, I know when I become older and havea a family (the horror:o0), I'll have just the family I want, with NO grudge holding on my end. OK now I feel like venting, so here goes. According to my mum, my aunt is a stuck-up priss who has it ehr way or the highway. And yes, maybe my aunt can be high maintenace, but you know what, thats jsut her personality so take it or leave it baby. Dont complain, and hold a grude, its not worth it. Mum feels that aunt Jan never spent enough time with my grandfather and now she's being greedy by asking for some of his stuff. Wel face this mum, you never even MOVED away from your father, hell you lived right across the street from him your entire life, and that was what you chose. Aunt Jan chose to go have her OWN life and she still spent time with my grandfather, but excuse her for not coming by everyday to water his flowers. Pardon her for not being sugar-borrowing distance from him. Pardon me for being right. I love my mother dearly, but she isnt seeing the full picture here, nor will she let me bring it up. Anytime I try to show her, she either dismisses it or gets frustrated with me. Leaves me in the akward spot of giving it all up to play the hero and just sitting back. Superman to the rescue. Another issue impossible to bring up with my mother is my brothers weight issue. My brother is a great kid, but hes four years younger then me, and he exceeds me in weight. I'm no skinny minny either. Yet still, mum buys fattening food and could care less of my brothers weigh issue. Ok, thats not true. I know she cares, but she doesnt put forth the caring effort. Quite frankly everyone could go on a diet, myself included, but no one else seems to see this picture,. Its like they're all wearing rose colored glasses. Why cant mum see that Tyler is going to hafve health issues? Why cant seh see he;s going to be teased? Why wont she help. I've helped all I can, but I hold no authority over my brother, so everything I try to do is pointless. Frustration. This is all stupid without action, farewell. Until tomorrow then, Your Nieghborhood Superman
Read 3 comments
Hmm. Hey, at least you're trying.

hmm well.

family fighting is something that happens i suppose; after all if you can't fight with family then what's the point? it is unfortunate though that you feel caught in the middle. time shouldn't be wasted over such trivial things, we only have so much time to love those that we're stuck with.
i'm rambling, but its welcome i'm sure.
your brother's weight, maybe you shoudl take the hand and try to explain it to him. i have nothing agai
-nst chunkiness but one should take care of their body so they'll be around longer.
my opinion anyways.

i hope all gets better my super-bunny and in time i'm sure it will.
try not to stress.
